In honor of Singles Awareness Day, we put together a list of our favorite tearjerking romances for a single ladies movie night. So grab your popcorn, chocolate, and/or ice cream and a box of tissues and get cozy.
Steel Magnolias
"It showcases strong women, and my colors are definitely blush and bashful!" - Pia, Founder

Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken
"Great depression era period costumes and a beautiful story" - Pia, Founder

Seven Pounds
"It was really just the ending that did it for me, but the entire movie really makes you think about how you treat others and how you can be a better person. A level of selflessness you don't see every day." - Jazmin, Graphic Designer

St. Elmos Fire
"I'm just a sucker for 80s movies in general, but this one in particular touches on a lot of adulthood struggles still relevant today." - Jazmin, Graphic Designer

"I love anything Saoirse Ronan does but this movie, in particular, has such a beautiful story and captures 1950's New York so well." - Katie, Marketing

Roman Holiday
"If you haven't already seen this Audrey Hepburn classic then I highly suggest you do." - Katie, Marketing